We carry out designs by visual artists in materials such as zinc, copper, brass, stainless steel, etc. In close cooperation with the designer and using our expertise, we create a final product that meets all the requirements. The entire process - translation of the idea, realisation and installation - is carried out and supervised by us. Agreements made with customers, such as public authorities or institutions, can therefore be met punctually. The works of art we produce and install contribute to enriching the everyday environment.
Mariaplaats Nijmegen

In the historic city centre, Marc Ruygrok's water artwork was installed by us. The "water table", as well as two well rims made of bronzed brass, was placed exactly at the site of two wells from the Middle Ages.

Monumental artwork Kom-Ga-Zit-Sta by Marc Ruygrok stood in The Hague City Hall during an earlier edition of the international exhibition 'The Hague Sculpture'.
Kom-Ga-Zit-Sta is now available to acquire for interested parties.
So-go-on Schiphol

In the bustle of departing and arriving travellers, three elements in brass designed by Marc Ruygrok stand: 'SO-GO-ON'
Koog aan de Zaan

In a small shopping centre, we installed internally illuminated column cladding made of high-gloss stainless steel; they give the shopping centre added-value in a poetic sense.

In the city park of Houten, Utrecht, we installed a remarkable garden bench in bronzed brass designed by Marc Ruygrok.
Burning bush West Church

This symbolic work of art by sculptor Hans 't Mannetje in Amsterdam's Westerkerk, Julius Baller composed it from wrought-iron twigs and brass leaves, butterflies, snails and candle holders.
Middelburg courthouse

For the new courthouse, we produced a large number of elements designed by Marc Ruygrok, which together form a work of art of symbolic significance.



For about eight roundabouts in the new housing estate east of the city centre, Marc Ruygrok designed a monumental artwork of about 3.5 m high for each. Julius Baller produced the designs in bronzed brass and handled the installation in close consultation with the municipal services.